Collection Development Guide

To contribute plugins to this collections a few things must be taken into account when setting up a local development environment, such that the new code can be tested. This guide intends to provide such instructions.

Local Setup

To have the collection setup correctly in your development environment, we recommend you follow this setup guide. These steps are based on the official Ansible documentation (Prepare your environment).

  1. Create a fork of the repository to work on:

  2. Create a local collection directory from which you will develop the collection. The cloned repository must be cloned into a folder following this path structure: <YOUR_WORKING_DIR>/ansible_collections/puzzle/opnsense. Therefore you could clone your fork like this:

    git clone<YOUR_GITHUB_HANDLE>/puzzle.opnsense.git \
  3. This collection supports Python versions >=3.8,<3.12 therefore make sure your system supports any of those versions.

  4. Setup the pipenv:

    pipenv install --dev

Your environment is now set up for local development and testing.

Developing New Plugins

The following steps can guide you on how to add new code to this collection.

Collection Structure

Before you start to develop new components familiarize yourself with the structure of a collection. The most relevant part in the collection will most likely be the plugins directory. When executed Ansible looks for plugins like e.g. modules inside of the plugins directory, which requires to have additional subfolders for each contained plugin type. The plugins directory could therefore look like this:

 └─ plugins
     ├── modules
     └── module_utils

Reusable code and utilities must be added in the module_utils directory. When these utils are needed e.g. in modules they must be imported using the FQCN e.g. from ansible_collections.puzzle.opnsense.plugins.module_utils.xml_utils import XMLParser.

The official Ansible Documentation (Collection Structure) provides further reference regarding collection structure guidelines.

Using the OPNsense Module Config XML in Plugins

The OPNsenseModuleConfig utility module provides a convenient and efficient way to interact with the OPNsense configuration file located at /conf/config.xml within Ansible plugins. This utility is designed to offer a context manager that significantly simplifies the process of accessing, modifying, and managing configuration values in a structured and error-resistant manner.

It encapsulates the complexities associated with parsing and manipulating XML data, thereby allowing developers to concentrate on implementing task specific configuration logic.


The following is an illustrative example of utilizing the OPNsenseModuleConfig utility within an Ansible plugin:

from ansible_collections.puzzle.opnsense.plugins.module_utils import OPNsenseModuleConfig

# Example usage within a plugin or module
with OPNsenseModuleConfig(module_name='desired_module') as config:
    # Access a configuration value
    value = config.get_setting('setting_name')

    # Modify a configuration value
    config.set_module_setting(value='new_setting_value', setting='setting_name')

    # Apply changes and execute any necessary configure functions

    # Save changes to the configuration file

In this example:

  • The with statement is used to instantiate OPNsenseModuleConfig with a specific module name.

  • The get_setting method fetches a specific configuration value based on the setting name.

  • The set_module_setting method updates a given setting with a new value.

  • The apply_setting method applies the new settings and runs any required configure functions.

  • The save method saves all changes back to the OPNsense config file.

This utility thus streamlines the interaction with the OPNsense configuration file, making it more manageable and less error-prone for developers working with Ansible plugins.

Version Mapping in OPNsense Configuration

The VERSION_MAP is a crucial component in the OPNsense configuration utility module. It serves as a key-value mapping that aligns different OPNsense versions with their corresponding configuration settings, PHP requirements, and configure functions. This map ensures compatibility and accurate configuration across various versions of OPNsense.

Structure of VERSION_MAP

  • Top-Level Keys: Each top-level key represents a specific version of OPNsense, such as “OPNsense 24.7 (amd64/OpenSSL)”.

  • Config Context: Config context define a reusable context for modules to be consumed. They scope settings, configure functions and php requirements to single use cases. An Ansible Module can use one or multiple config contexts to access XML-Settings or php functions.

  • Configuration Details: For each config context, the configuration includes:

    • Setting Mappings: Key-value pairs where the key represents a configuration setting (e.g., ‘hostname’) and the value is its corresponding XPath in the OPNsense configuration file.

    • PHP Requirements: A list of file paths necessary for the execution of PHP scripts related to the module.

    • Configure Functions: A dictionary of functions with details such as function name and parameters, necessary for module configuration.

Identifying PHP Requirements and Configure Functions

To identify the php_requirements and configure_functions for a specific module, one should refer to the OPNsense core GitHub repository. Within the repository, locate the PHP file corresponding to the module of interest (e.g., core/src/www/system_general.php). Examining this file will provide insights into the required PHP scripts and configurable functions for that module.


VERSION_MAP plays a critical role in ensuring that the OPNsense configuration utility can adapt to different versions of OPNsense. By providing version-specific paths and requirements, it allows the utility to read and modify configurations accurately, regardless of the OPNsense version in use.


    "24.7": {
        "system_settings_general": {
            "hostname": "system/hostname",
            "domain": "system/domain",
            "php_requirements": [
            "configure_functions": {
                "system_hostname_configure": {
                    "name": "system_hostname_configure",
    "25.1": {

In this example, the configuration for “24.7” is outlined, detailing settings, PHP requirements, and configure functions specific to the ‘system_settings_general’ module.

This detailed and version-specific mapping ensures the utility module operates correctly across different OPNsense releases, contributing significantly to the robustness and reliability of the configuration management process.

Add Support for new OPNsense releases

When there is a new OPNsense release we need to update the [VERSION_MAP]( and verify the location of the existing xpaths, php requirements and configure function. A good start is to diff the PHP files from the old and the new release. Also all the implemented Tests will help you to get up to speed with a new release. Add the new release to your molecule platforms and run molecule against the new release.

Using Molecule

Run Ansible directly against a running instance of OPNsense managed by Molecule. System requirements for this workflow is to have vagrant installed alongside with virtualbox.

1. Initialize a Molecule scenario

If there is no Molecule scenario for your plugin, create one inside the molecule directory, eg. molecule/MY_SCENARIO. This directory requires a Molecule configuration YAML molecule.yml. The quickest setup is to copy an existing example from a preexisting scenario. This file will look more or less like this:

    name: MY_SCENARIO
        - destroy
        - syntax
        - create
        - converge
        - idempotence
        - verify
        - destroy

    name: vagrant
    parallel: true

    - name: "23.7"
      box: puzzle/opnsense
      hostname: false
      box_version: "23.7"
      memory: 1024
      cpus: 2
          - 'vm.guest = :freebsd'
          - 'ssh.sudo_command = "%c"'
          - ' = "/bin/sh"'

    name: ansible
    name: ansible
        become: true

Now you are ready to start up your test VM using the following molecule command:

pipenv run molecule create --scenario-name MY_SCENARIO


Molecule leverages a sequence of different playbooks defined inside the molecule.yml in order to ensure execution and verification of ansible tests against a running instance. The full test sequence can be executed using pipenv run molecule test. However, like in this ‘create’ example we can run single stages such that we can eg. start the VM separately and control the teardown manually.

2. Add tests to your scenario

Molecule runs its scenario tests during its ‘converge’ stage. Therefore your actual tests are required to be written inside a molecule/MY_SCENARIO/converge.yaml playbook, like for example:

- name: converge
  hosts: all
  become: true
    - name: Test MY_MODULE
        name: John
      register: output

    - name: Test output
          - "Hello John" == output.result

These tests can now be executed using molecule:

pipenv run molecule converge --scenario-name MY_SCENARIO

3. Debug executions on your VM

If you want to inspect the OPNsense XML config you can connect to your VM using vagrant. Since Molecule does not place Vagrantfiles inside the collection directory you first need to identify your VM-id using:

vagrant global-status

Select your VM-id and run:

vagrant ssh YOUR_VM_ID

4. Poweroff your VM

To cleanup your environment from any VM run:

pipenv run molecule destroy --scenario-name MY_SCENARIO

Testing Your Code

These steps require for the local pipenv to be set up. In addition to the pipenv it is required to have docker installed as well. This is required by ansible-test such that all sanity and unit tests can be run in docker environments against all supported Python versions configured in tests/config.yml.

Local Unit Tests

The make target test-unit runs all unittests using ansible-test. Simply execute the following command:

make test-unit

Unittests generate a coverage report after each run which can be viewed using the test-coverage-report make target:

make test-coverage-report

Local Sanity Tests

Sanity tests are executed using the test-sanity make target.

make test-sanity

Manual Testing

To test the collection locally in any Ansible setup make sure the Ansible collection path is setup in a way, such that this collection can be found. E.g. add an ansible.cfg which sets the collections_paths variable. Here is important to note, that under collections_paths Ansible expects a directory structure like this:

 │   ├── COLLECTION_1
 │   └── COLLECTION_2
 └─ puzzle
     └── opnsense

For further details regarding the ansible collection path configuration see the documentation. (Ansible Collection Path Doc)

Reviewing Code

Prerequisite for a successful review is to have setup your environment according to the section Local Setup. To review changes of other contributors use these steps as a review guideline:

  1. Clone the Fork or add it as a new remote:

    For example checking out the branch feature/review-guide of the fork dongiovanni83/puzzle.opnsense you would use this workflow:

  2. If documentation has been added, build the site and check it locally:

    make build-doc

    Open the newly created docsite located in ./dest/build/html/index.html and review the changes.

  3. Run all tests locally:

    make test
  4. Comment your Feedback directly in the Github PR.